
Archive for the Uncategorized Category

End of the Carnival

End of the Carnival

Through the endless night the red rockets exploded overhead while the crowd of people laughed and kissed and made love to the music of the mariachi bands that had left the small cantinas and cafés to play in the street until the early morning when the sun […]

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Along the River’s Edge

Along the River’s Edge

Every afternoon on my long walks in the river park, I have noticed an old couple, accompanied by a young dark-haired girl of six or seven, walking along the edge of the river, as if they were looking for something. The first time I saw them, I […]

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The House of Eternal Sunshine

The House of Eternal Sunshine

Ever since Braun went away, theirs was a magical existence in the vast house of endless rooms filled with warm sunshine surrounded by magnificent gardens that sloped away to the line of dark forest. Even though Braun had built the house stone by stone and had cleared […]

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On the way home from delivering the letter to Beckett, I thought about her, and what I’d just put her through. I couldn’t get her out of my mind. But what had I put her through? It was the position that Noah had put me in, I […]

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